Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Swinging the golf club around his neck

Swinging the golf club around his neck

Golf Clubs

I know this may sound strange, but the thoughts swing to swing your golf clubs around the neck is not bad. In a way, it will simplify the golf swing for many golfers who have struggled with consistency and power. There is so much wasted motion during a swing (I should know) that there is a devastating effect on ball contact. Strokes that cause the tip of your club, the cure (or even hozel - stem feared), and thin and full records, which give a poorResult.

So, what this idea is to swing around your neck right?

Well, the head of the heaviest part of the body, so where you go to the head, the body follows soon right? So, if you made the ball with his head on the takeaway, you're going to shake (or slide on the body). Back for any wasted motion, you need a copy of it down to return in a relatively large impact for solid shots, take the right.

This is just rubbishshould not be to start your swing.

So, to simplify this is all you need to think of a head still when you go back and get off. I know it sounds too simple, but it's actually pretty easy to do. They always say, you delete your swing thoughts for 1 or 2, especially when playing. How about we get with ONE?

If you simply can not turn your back to thinking about the neck, you can master this game. So the takeaway should be back right shoulder(Not on the page) quickly, with the feeling that the rotation around the spine and upper neck. Turn your right shoulder as far back can go, and you will have the strongest ever made your backswing. Now your heart is ready, all those who seek to unleash the power of the coil and downswing.

So you need to think it always came down the left shoulder turn immediately as you will drop your arms, so get on the floor and not over the top. If this new movementdown, you will realize how much energy is saved without this swing really hard, so swing voltage, the voltage and the speed slows shocked.

So remember, your new idea of ​​"swinging the golf club around his neck."

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